readme.txt - Overview of TDRMSoft's MS-DOS utilities (TWalk) ls - DIR replacement, with recursion and pretty listing formats rm - DEL replacement, with recursion and prompt-before-delete ty - view ascii file with scrolling backwards and forwards, super fast mv - move files to different directory, also rename directory binmore - browser for binary fixed-length files color - changes color of DOS' text screen mydate - returns day-of-week, date and time in nice format tail - reads the last N lines of an ascii file touch - updates file timestamp to current time twalk - executes a command in all subdirectories, recursively write - writes a string, with various useful features All have been in daily use for 6 years, and are very useful and robust. All programs and text files Copyright 1987-1993, by TDRMSoft. If you use any of these programs regularly, please send $10.00 to: TDRMSoft 400 Central Park West - 20R Source code in C available for $50.00 New York, NY 10025-5858 Tom Milne (212)-865-2719 TMILNE@AOL.COM